"Schön and Schön: From Generationto Generation," Charles Giuliano. http://artsfuse.org/170410/visual-arts-feature-schon-and-schon-from-generation-to-generation/ 

"Schön and Schön: From Generationto Generation," Charles Bergeron. http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/entertainment/20180506/mother-and-daughter-artists-nancy-and-ellen-schxf6n-combine-talents-for-needham-exhibit

‘’The Teabowl : East & West,’’ Dr. Bonnie Kemske. Herbert Press, 2017. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/the-teabowl-9781472585608/ 

“ALT Clay at Pine Manor,” Elizabeth Michelman, Artscope Magazine, February/March 2016. https://artscopemagazine.com/2016/01/alt-clay-at-pine-manor/

“The participants who travelled from far to Medicine Hat loved to bits 3-D artistic course,” Ryan Dahlman, The Prairie Post, August 5, 2015. http://www.prairiepost.com/news/college-corner/item/8371-the-participants-who-travelled-from-farto-medicine-hat-loved-to-bits-3-d-artistic-course.html 

“Critic’s Pick,” Legacy of Fire: Clay Dragon Studios Revisited, Sebastian Smee, The Boston Globe. https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/theater-art/2015/01/31/winterarts-guide-art/mejYrjPOKZkFrqrFuuNovL/story.html January 31, 2015.


"Revisiting a Legacy of Fire," Ben Thompson, The Enterprise News, Brockton, MA, February 1, 2015

“Ellen Schön, Featured Artist,” Ceramics Now Magazine, Vasi Hirdo, editor, Oct 2012.  http://www.ceramicsnow.org/tagged/Ellen_Schon_Ceramics

“Vessel Variations (x3) at Vessels Gallery, ” Artscope Magazine, Sept2012. http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs077/1101530073189/archive/1111075920194.html#.UGSkwZ%20Yhy3g.facebook

We ART Together – A Malaysian Art Festival, February 2012. https://www.berkshirefinearts.com/02-20-2012_we-art-together-a-malaysian-arts-festival.htm

“MINDmatters,” Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, June 2008

“The Figure Explored: Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture,” Jim Foritano, Artscope, Issue 09, Oct. 2006

“The Uncommon Denominator: A Tribute to Richard Hirsch,” Ellen Schön, Ceramics: Art and Perception, Issue 61, 2005

“Tile Project: Destination the World," Randi Sherman, Ceramics Technical, Issue 21, 2005

“Fuller Crafts a Delightful Show of Artisanry,” Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, Dec. 2003

“Portraits of the Artists," Matthew Call, The Newton Tab, May 11, 2000

"In Newton, The Curious Can Try Curating," Christine Temin, The Boston Globe, April 26, 2000